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kaneki_t @kaneki_t
left a comment for
Kyou the Baka
kaneki_t @kaneki_t


eand0802 @eand0802
left a comment for
Kyou the Baka
eand0802 @eand0802
Currently Gangsta! You?

Kyou the Baka @kawaiikirino
Kyou the Baka @kawaiikirino
Never use this. Still Need freinds though. at least i have a car now. Hit me up on skype. Kirinoiskawaii Because she fucking is!!
Do you get depressed when you see other couples?

Kyou the Baka @kawaiikirino
commented on
Do you get depressed when you see other couples?
Kyou the Baka @kawaiikirino
Nothing needs to be said other then yupp.

Kyou the Baka @kawaiikirino
commented on
Kyou the Baka @kawaiikirino
That's pretty much all i have hopes for in this site. haha