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kaminapose87 @kaminapose87
kaminapose87 @kaminapose87
@callista_neoni *waves back* Ahoooyyy!!! lol

callista_neoni @callista_neoni
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callista_neoni @callista_neoni
Hey, I can see Ireland from my window! I'm waving right now, can you see me? Lol :D

kaminapose87 @kaminapose87
kaminapose87 @kaminapose87
@missallyesterday Hi, I didn't get back you about what you posted, sorry. I'm good thank you for asking
Super Smash Bros 4

kaminapose87 @kaminapose87
commented on
Super Smash Bros 4
kaminapose87 @kaminapose87
Cant wait for it, the demo got me so fired up. Did anyone find Megaman a bit odd to control the first time
What's your favorite Romance anime/manga?

kaminapose87 @kaminapose87
commented on
What's your favorite Romance anime/manga?
kaminapose87 @kaminapose87
Toradora would be my favorite and I have been reading the manga as well. Nisekoi is also great