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campione @campione
campione @campione
I need to find my soul mate.

campione @campione
campione @campione
Your in love with your teacher senpai?
Which anime character do you love?

Xinpaca @xinmage
commented on
Which anime character do you love?
Xinpaca @xinmage
Easy, Satoru Gojo for all of the above.

Mysterious Devil @chise8686
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Mysterious Devil @chise8686
I'm doing alright and you

campione @campione Awesome.
What anime character ear you in love with?

campione @campione
commented on
What anime character ear you in love with?
campione @campione

Me Accelerator.
He's my favorite.
What anime character ear you in love with?

campione @campione
What anime character ear you in love with?
campione @campione
I'm trying to figure at what anime characters
Has more fans.