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OakMan @oakman
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OakMan @oakman
Hi! :D

sionxtc @sionxtc
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sionxtc @sionxtc
So Which final fantasy did you enjoy most in terms of story.

cloud_farron @cloud_farron
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cloud_farron @cloud_farron
No no i believe the more words the better. I still have not met many people that enjoy. Final fantasy that much either. I would not call it an obsession. But i geek out pretty hard when it comes to it. But as far as fooly cooly goes it is truly good. It is only like 7 episodes long but if you can get into it, it will really move you.
If you could go into any video game which would you choose?(only one)

final_fantasy92 @final_fantasy92
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If you could go into any video game which would you choose?(only one)
final_fantasy92 @final_fantasy92
Legend of the Dragoon
and any Final Fantasy!