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evan_dilderoski @evan_dilderoski
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evan_dilderoski @evan_dilderoski
hey uwu
Vagene @ahuman
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Vagene @ahuman
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Unpopular opinions
Celosia @brisk888
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Unpopular opinions
Celosia @brisk888
BRO . THIS. IS. A WEEB DATING SITE. And this thread is for people who know others will not agree. Nowhere in it does it say I have to convince ignis though, have proof to backup my personal opinion, or that it can't be possibly untrue. And nowhere did I say it was a fact. And it's not a rumor, like I said, it was my OPINION. I would say I get you defending him, but given the circumstances, it's actually just ridiculous...
Coronavirus. Your thoughts? [Serious and Non-Serious]
Celosia @brisk888
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Coronavirus. Your thoughts? [Serious and Non-Serious]
Celosia @brisk888
Mmm. I'm in the zone of one of the highest cases because no one ever took it seriously, and it's getting worse by the day, so I would say it is serious for sure.