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blank_ @blank_
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blank_ @blank_
Yo wats up man?

✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
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✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
Hello there ^^

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
Don't worry about the Nisemonogatari toothbrush scene. It's not rape and surprisingly tame. It's only shocking if you are super sheltered. I would avoid watching it with your little sis or parents but otherwise it's no big deal.
Ambitions, careers....or lack of?

watzlowick-kun @watzlowick
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Ambitions, careers....or lack of?
watzlowick-kun @watzlowick
its all coming together.. MWUHAHAHAH!!! career in "agriculture" is one way to look at it
Ambitions, careers....or lack of?

watzlowick-kun @watzlowick
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Ambitions, careers....or lack of?
watzlowick-kun @watzlowick
Hey, If ur at least serious about the drug lord thing I happen to be a good private military contractor.. Just sayin... for enuff quap I know a mexican, so we can be the best kinda cartel A MEXICAN DRUG CARTEL!!!