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aceurbassur @aceurbassur
aceurbassur @aceurbassur
Diddler ju like titt all? wanting to shower ju my bestes for ju not to be sad, and for me to be proud to showering ju all my warm, hard love force. ju will take titt like a man. and i will repecter ju so hard. ju will let me do things to ju so bother can be hard

Curlycurr @cur_lypav
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Curlycurr @cur_lypav
I think he died. He's dumb at times but he's sweet. I remember coming back to 25 messages at a time from this guy LOL

aceurbassur @aceurbassur
aceurbassur @aceurbassur
Hello I am not the ded, grandfather ded, i am also not dad, he is angry.. i am cumfused! So happy ju liker my sweets, they so god for tasting salty in mouf.. I am so happy for replay finaly, i miss ju.. Anyways i am god. i am not ded.

Curlycurr @cur_lypav
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Curlycurr @cur_lypav
I think he died. He's dumb at times but he's sweet. I remember coming back to 25 messages at a time from this guy LOL

Curlycurr @cur_lypav
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Curlycurr @cur_lypav
I think he died. He's dumb at times but he's sweet. I remember coming back to 25 messages at a time from this guy LOL