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30 year old Male
Last online 10年以上 ago
Punta Gorda, FL
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My lifestyle is a work out. But considering how much energy i have after all is said and done, i do an ocasoinal random set of push ups in public. i eat like Shaggy and Scooby doo combined, My calorie intake is crazy, but i work it out without caring to do so. i'm 6'3" and only waigh 140, no matter what i do i can't gain muscle waight ~or any waight~ so i'm stuck as a skinny white kid.
I just happen to have the Ability to grow a full facial fuzz, if i don't trimm it it becomes a full beard, i clean up nice, keep trimmed, unless a new pokemon game comes out, then i look like every person on duck dynasty. i've givven up on the clean shaved thing, i'm just going with a goateee at the moment. lesson for the lady's: love ur mans fuzz. it'll be ever changing, but it'll never go away for good... maybe thats my lesson for the day...