Athletic ... yay or nay? also dieting and body type

kidpool @kidpool
Athletic ... yay or nay? also dieting and body type
kidpool @kidpool
Who here works out.
And how much...
also ... sports?
I just started to get back into it...
Trying to go for 4-5 times a week gym again and try to walk alooooot again.
... trying to make 1,5 hour walks now.
I wanne know if the myth is true:
How many of you are into the whole
skinny boys thing...
And who prefers athletic boys?
Or something else ( fat, medium, donut shape, )
Also share your impressive diet stories if you have any, caus I love those.

highixiwind @highixiwind
commented on
Athletic ... yay or nay? also dieting and body type
highixiwind @highixiwind
i'm totally in shape, round is a shape.
I work out occasionally would like it more consistently. I play sports with the guys sometimes, flag football.. basketball..
I like to run and bike. I'd like to get back into wrestling shape from hs.

zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
commented on
Athletic ... yay or nay? also dieting and body type
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
I work out 3-5 times a week and I do 4 fourms of fighting
Ju jitsu

kidpool @kidpool
commented on
Athletic ... yay or nay? also dieting and body type
kidpool @kidpool
That... is... so... awesome.

Karasu @kain_karasu
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Athletic ... yay or nay? also dieting and body type
Karasu @kain_karasu
Well I used to go to the gym a lot, but not really any more, I just use the weights I have at home and an old work-out regiment that I used to use that works pretty well, though I've been neglecting it lately >.>
Wish I could find a good place to get back into martial arts around my town but sadly they're all either really expensive or a farce of a dojo, used to do tae kwan do when I was little but that stopped as soon as we moved away from NJ, would love to get into aikido or ju jitsu.

Strawberry_soda @strawberry_soda
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Athletic ... yay or nay? also dieting and body type
Strawberry_soda @strawberry_soda
Basically if you can pick me up I'm good. (I'm 160) I don't mind being stronger than my guy but I don't like being bigger than him.

admiller @admiller14
commented on
Athletic ... yay or nay? also dieting and body type
admiller @admiller14
Normally I exercise six days out of the week. I do 40-60 minutes of cardio on five of those days. Depending on what day it is I am either doing a long recovery run or a hard speed workout. I lift weights three times a week; each focusing on a different set of muscle groups. And the last day, which is generally Sunday, I do a high intensity abdominal workout.
I did midget football when I was little. I run cross country and throw in track.

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
Athletic ... yay or nay? also dieting and body type
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
I do a lot of self-training, not really working out.
Pressure Point Fighting
Chinese Kenpo (some of it)
WingChun (some of it)
Jeet Kune Do (some of it)
Tae kwon do (was taught for 2 years then self-taught the rest)
Karate (was taught for 2 years then self-taught the rest)
~Reasons for self-teaching is because both my schools moved or I was unable to continue going to them for personal reasons when I was younger.
That's pretty much it, I think. But I've been training under those style for over 10 years now. Still polishing them and I don't think I'll stop polishing them, only pass on what I know.

kidpool @kidpool
commented on
Athletic ... yay or nay? also dieting and body type
kidpool @kidpool
Shadowdemonx9 what fighting sport would you recommend?

O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
commented on
Athletic ... yay or nay? also dieting and body type
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
im in powerlifting at my school, so i have to work out every day, at least only school days
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