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slyquasar @slyquasar
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slyquasar @slyquasar
Hey i am new to the sight and we have a lot of anime in common. Sent you a request, found you very interesting.

baileybugz97 @baileybugz97
baileybugz97 @baileybugz97
GUYS!!!! I'm Back!!! XD
Just went to AnimeIowa and had a wonderful time :3
I'm still so tired even though it was a week ago >.<
I'm very proud my of my cosplays though ^.^
Soooo?!?!? what have I missed!?! chat me up!

baileybugz97 @baileybugz97
baileybugz97 @baileybugz97
Figured out who I'm Cosplaying this summer for my next con! Karuta from inu x boku SS ^.^ she's so cute And my best friend thinks I'm just like her... *nods*
Cosplay ideas???? Fate stay/night

baileybugz97 @baileybugz97
commented on
Cosplay ideas???? Fate stay/night
baileybugz97 @baileybugz97
Thanks guys!! I just got my 1st job so I'll begin work really soon!
Cosplay ideas???? Fate stay/night

baileybugz97 @baileybugz97
Cosplay ideas???? Fate stay/night
baileybugz97 @baileybugz97
So I'm almost done with fate stay/night and I really want to cosplay someone from the series.
Anyone dying to see a certain character or costume??
I'm thinking about doing saber but wondering which armor... I don't know XD
Toss your thoughts and ideas my way! ^.^