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Praxis @stazmae
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Praxis @stazmae
Star Vs the forces of evil; Over the garden wall; Voltron. That's a few.
Try out Bee and Puppy at too. I highly suggest Star Vs tho.

SlightlyWilson @slightlywilson
SlightlyWilson @slightlywilson
Excited for season two of Re:Zero!
Throw Anime at Me!

SlightlyWilson @slightlywilson
commented on
Throw Anime at Me!
SlightlyWilson @slightlywilson
Not heard of either of those, I'll look them up thanks
Throw Anime at Me!

SlightlyWilson @slightlywilson
commented on
Throw Anime at Me!
SlightlyWilson @slightlywilson
Thanks, Nice to meet you
May 25-27
Oct 26-28
Oct 24-26