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miyuki19miki @miyuki19miki
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miyuki19miki @miyuki19miki
how are you?

miyuki19miki @miyuki19miki
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miyuki19miki @miyuki19miki
hey, sorry I rarely check my friend's requests on here, but, hello.

dstar89 @dstar89
dstar89 @dstar89
Working on a Visual Novel :p
Share the last Japanese song you listened to!

dstar89 @dstar89
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Share the last Japanese song you listened to!
dstar89 @dstar89
Filth in the Beauty - The Gazette
Is Japan Dangerous?

dstar89 @dstar89
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Is Japan Dangerous?
dstar89 @dstar89
I haven't been to Japan (yet) but I've searched the interwebz with this same question. Basically I found out that Japan's safe rate at day is about 89% and at night it is estimated to be 87%; which is freakin' awesome considering it's one of the largest Metropolitan in the world. It for some reason also said the main thing people fear the most is having their car breaking into? o_O But anyways, I guess it's safe to say that nature with it's earthquakes and floods and such are the only "fearful," proposal threats rather then some psychopath. ^^