haha, it's too far for me at this moment, and i don't have the funds for it at that too. Even the business i'm working with right now isn't looking into moving out to advertise or look for customers this this early. (Still moving about) though once we are settled in and such i'm sure i could figure out something.
haha Politeness and manners do go a long way though. Even if it's one of the most rare things in the world known as the internet. I think its about a 6-8 hour drive for me though...not sure i'll have to look that one up haha. Well, the best part is with friends (or soon to be friends) haha
haha Politeness and manners do go a long way though. Even if it's one of the most rare things in the world known as the internet. I think its about a 6-8 hour drive for me though...not sure i'll have to look that one up haha. Well, the best part is with friends (or soon to be friends) haha