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xxxAmethystDeathxxx @xxxamethystdeathxxx
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xxxAmethystDeathxxx @xxxamethystdeathxxx
i mostly just watch abuot any anime aslong as it has a good plot

mikhail737 @mikhail737
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mikhail737 @mikhail737
Hiya! Aww, thanks. Yer pretty interesting yerself~ Sure~

Deathscythe0205 @shinigamikaitou
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Deathscythe0205 @shinigamikaitou
Thanks for the friend request ^_^
poor girls or rich girls would it MATTER??

bigbudaz @bigbudaz
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poor girls or rich girls would it MATTER??
bigbudaz @bigbudaz
Every one is looking for the same thing all the looks all the money or all the fame wont find you love. It's a connection that everyone is looking for. Money doesn't make you more attractive.
Tales Series Fans?

bigbudaz @bigbudaz
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Tales Series Fans?
bigbudaz @bigbudaz
I wish I played more but the only one I played was tales of Symphonia. But after getting Project X Zone it make me really want to play Vesporia. By the way PXZ is a good game.