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gundamzero @gundamzero
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gundamzero @gundamzero
Ha there NikV

daveelric @daveelric
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daveelric @daveelric
well hello, you where one of my best matches, so id thought i would drop by and say hi :)

Atmos Fear @atmos_fear
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Atmos Fear @atmos_fear
Share your Fandoms

NikV @nikv
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Share your Fandoms
NikV @nikv
I'm in a lot of fandoms, but my top 3 are:
Supernatural, not the anime, but the actual show on the CW. I read some fanfics, but not much.
Sherlock, from BBC. I used to be reeeeally into it! but I've calmed down since season 2 ended.
Teen Wolf is my current obsession! I read and write fanfiction and even make fan art.
What about you?