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Atmos Fear @atmos_fear
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Atmos Fear @atmos_fear
Oh. Hahahaha. yeah it has been some time. XD. I'm doing great. Just watching the League of Legends NA LCS.

koji @gaxelgaxel
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koji @gaxelgaxel
that's okey..I'm also late on replies sometimes ^_^
.i'm good.. nothing much just a boring day.. how about ya?

Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
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Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
No worries, and I'm doing perty good tired of the heat but good, what has so busy, if you don't mind me asking
Anyone from Brazil?

----------- @meichan
Anyone from Brazil?
----------- @meichan
Hey, I'm here searching for someone Brazilian to talk with, are you Brazilian or know any Brazilian?