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thebrokenking @thebrokenking
thebrokenking @thebrokenking
What would you say your most favourite anime ever. Mines "Gurren Lagann"

thebrokenking @thebrokenking
thebrokenking @thebrokenking
MARK MY WORDS...! This drill, will open a hole in the universe. And that hole will be a path for those behind us. The dreams of those who have fallen! The hopes of those who will follow! Those two sets of dreams weave together into a double helix, drilling a path towards tomorrow! And THAT'S Tengen Toppa! That's Gurren-Lagann! My drill is the drill, that creates the HEAVENS!
Simon - Gurren Lagann

caiteme @caiteme
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caiteme @caiteme
yo armidale is cold as fuck. im like 4 hours away loool
Last one to post here wins

thebrokenking @thebrokenking
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Last one to post here wins
thebrokenking @thebrokenking
Marriage Bots?