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Laffantion @laffantion
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Laffantion @laffantion
wow such empty here have a heart <3
Fuck thread

PoisonStream @poisonstream
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Fuck thread
PoisonStream @poisonstream
Something that you hate?

PoisonStream @poisonstream
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Something that you hate?
PoisonStream @poisonstream
-Sleeping 8 hours and waking up still tired for some reason...
-Going to work because the people I work with do not have the mental capacity to function like normal people.
-Only having 2-3 hours to play video games during the week due to people in charge at my job setting my work hours to stupid times.
-Having to work Mon-Fri seeing that my old position at work made me work 2 days, was off 2 days... work 3 days, was off 3 days. Now it's just Mon-Fri and it sucks.
-Stress from my job.
-Getting chewed out for not doing my job even though I am unable to do my job because I am doing someone else's job. And if I don't do someone else's job... I get chewed out too. It's a catch 22.
Looking at my post... it seems I really despise my job.
"You should find a new one!" - Yea... I should. But it's actually not the job. It's the position. I applied for a promotion to a different area of my workplace. I got it. Turns out, it sucks. I've applied to move into a different Division and I'm waiting on the response...