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AnimeLover88 @animelover88
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AnimeLover88 @animelover88
This is true, Im sure it will be better the net time I go, but yea I love action and comedy animes and they just happen to be some of the great ones. Im watching at the moment Rock Lee and his Ninja Pals

AnimeLover88 @animelover88
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AnimeLover88 @animelover88
Yea that is awesome, Im thinking I might have to volunteer the next time it comes to LA :) The one time that I went it was like everybody came in a group already and wasnt looking to add on but maybe the next time I go Ill meet some awesome people who will talk back and just hang or I could find some friends b4 the next LA event happens and we can all be super nerds and go together, but my type of animes are action, thriller, comedy and drama with a mix of romance.

AnimeLover88 @animelover88
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AnimeLover88 @animelover88
Yea I like giving back to the cause to since I also watch anime for free LOL but Ive been to one Con unfortunately I dont no any other anime freaks like me to go with, I think awesome things like that should be shared in a group, and Im also unlucky enough to spend a $1000 like you plan to considering I have no job but when I did go to my first and only anime con I spent over a $100 on things I like so I was happy for the moment :)but I do plan on going to more given the chance
Anime Expo (Los Angeles)

Otaku-poi @otakupoi
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Anime Expo (Los Angeles)
Otaku-poi @otakupoi
I'm going. I wanted to cosplay as either servant archer from Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Extra or Kirito from Swort Art Online, but I probably should have bought the costume by now... >.> being broke sucks lol