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Gone @necroxamazon
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Gone @necroxamazon
It’s been alright, been there all of my life. Nothing too special. I like it, yes.

Gone @necroxamazon
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Gone @necroxamazon
Yes, Kentucky.

festive @festive
festive @festive
Is it just me or did this website just get really ugly?
Age Gap Relationships

festive @festive
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Age Gap Relationships
festive @festive
I was in a 10+ age gap relationship. She loved me, which I assumed it was just a passing crush at first but after some months of being friends and me getting tired of being alone I caved in. It was really awkward. We got along okay but had almost nothing in common. They were mature for their age and easy to talk to when it wasn't "yeet" this and "oof" that, but I just had a lot of trouble relating to the girl, it was like we were from different worlds. Of the very few anime/games or whatever she was interested in I wasn't interested in. she pretty much grew up under a rock, so I found myself introducing her to a lot of stuff as a result, and that made me feel like more of a dad than a partner. Guess you could say that was one red flag. Another problem is that she was raised like a boy, and I don't find those types appealing. I like girls who like girly stuff, and when I have far more interest in cute pretty things than my partner, that's no fun. Sorry to say she liked me a lot more than I liked her.
Forever alone?

festive @festive
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Forever alone?
festive @festive
Yeah I just accept it.