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Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
Hey bro, just recently saw Aquaman and thought you looked a lot like him. *thumbs up*

Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
That's awesome m8! I'm trying to grow a beard out myself, just b/c I can. It's too bad it doesn't cover the cheeks and everything. How's life btw, enjoying the holidays?

Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
Dude are you Asian? If so, that's an impressive beard for one O.O.
Match making

mrghostx21 @mrghostx21
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Match making
mrghostx21 @mrghostx21
I sail on a card board box that's waterproofed.
Closet Otaku

mrghostx21 @mrghostx21
Closet Otaku
mrghostx21 @mrghostx21
'Ello all. Names Kev, I love an assortment of Animes which I can list but will be absurdly long. Been looking for a site to geek out with other people and maybe even find a potential significant other in the process to go to conventions with. Also, I live in San Antonio, Texas. So who ever lives in the same city as I do. Let us geek out.