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xxxAmethystDeathxxx @xxxamethystdeathxxx
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xxxAmethystDeathxxx @xxxamethystdeathxxx
do you usually buy or make your costumes?

xxxAmethystDeathxxx @xxxamethystdeathxxx
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xxxAmethystDeathxxx @xxxamethystdeathxxx
that's awesome, I wanted to do it too! so do you cosplay at every con.?

xxxAmethystDeathxxx @xxxamethystdeathxxx
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xxxAmethystDeathxxx @xxxamethystdeathxxx
so what are you gonna do this summer?
dating at a con

collectiver @collectiver
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dating at a con
collectiver @collectiver
Usually is a good priority to become friends with the person before dating, 3 days is very little time to really get to know someone. But everyone is different! If that is your thing go for it~ : D
What are people cosplaying as for their next con :D

collectiver @collectiver
commented on
What are people cosplaying as for their next con :D
collectiver @collectiver
Going to youmacon as Loke from fairytail, just waiting on my sister to tint the glasses and I'm all set.
Oct 29-Nov 1
Jun 4-6
Nov 9-11
Oct 31-Nov 3