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ConceptSama @conceptsama
left a comment for
takumi orochi
ConceptSama @conceptsama
im here to find valentine and get a gf thats all

zeezeebday @zeezeebday
left a comment for
takumi orochi
zeezeebday @zeezeebday
hello fellow otaku, it's a pleasure to meet you and i'd love to become your friend!so let's get to know each-other better

kleverbear @kleverbear
left a comment for
takumi orochi
kleverbear @kleverbear
Hi there
the longest or shortest relationship?

takumi orochi @ahellofabutler
the longest or shortest relationship?
takumi orochi @ahellofabutler
What has been your longest relationship and how do you keep it going and what has been your shortest and why did it end so fast?
Origin of your username

takumi orochi @ahellofabutler
commented on
Origin of your username
takumi orochi @ahellofabutler
The origin of my name is the name of one of my main characters on my anime..that character was based on me and my personality...that's why it is my username