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Coco @yukiasato
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Coco @yukiasato
Sorry I been in the hospital home now.
Final fantasy 14
League of legends haven't played in a while.
Switch games
Pokemon diamond
Mario party superstars
Mario kart 8
Pokemon unite
Over watch
And dauntless
Be getting more games later

KrimsonMoonshade_VT @koji_mitsutoshi Right on so your fan of rpgs as well that’s awesome

Coco @yukiasato Yes iam :) and mmos

KrimsonMoonshade_VT @koji_mitsutoshi
KrimsonMoonshade_VT @koji_mitsutoshi
Looking for a potential Vtuber GF
Requirements are
1. Be yourself
2. My humor is kind of dark and messed up so give me a list of things you don’t find funny even if joked about like for example (if Jewish people smoked weed would it offend them to say they are baked)
3. Must be 420 friendly
4. I was raised in a chivalrous household meaning if the women ever needs anything to drop what I’m doing to help her with or through it
That’s pretty much it if any lovely ladies are interested feel free to drop me a pm, I look forward to hearing from you

KrimsonMoonshade_VT @koji_mitsutoshi
KrimsonMoonshade_VT @koji_mitsutoshi
I need people who are Otaku Gamers to talk to pls