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nekonekolover @nekonekolover
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nekonekolover @nekonekolover
Hey there!

zcoria @zcoria
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zcoria @zcoria
Welcome to MaiOtaku, fellow swede ^~^
What's your favorite anime!?

arisan @arisan
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What's your favorite anime!?
arisan @arisan
My all-time favorite anime is Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni !!!
It's pretty infamous for it's gory torture scenes, but the story is so incredibly amazing. I just, ah, I love it so much! I don't think I'll ever get to experience a feeling similar to the one you get from that series!
The "looking for a relationship" thread

arisan @arisan
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
arisan @arisan
Name: Effy
Age: 18 in April
Height: 162 cm
Location: In Sweden
Appearance: I have shoulder-length dyed green hair, fair skin and green eyes! I have two piercings, a nose ring and a lip ring!
Interests: I love everything that has to do with horror!! In my free time, I collect old porcelain clown dolls from various thrift shops. If it's a doll that "speaks" to me, I just can't leave it there. So far, I have five clown dolls in my small little family, and I love them so, so, so much. Other than that, I love sleeping and eating potato crisps! Oh, and conspiracy theories!! And taking aesthetically pleasing nudes!!
I drink, smoke and I'd try anything once. But if I'd develop a serious relationship with someone that'd be bothered by the smoking or so, I'd gladly give that up for my partner.
I'm emotionally unstable, and I'm currently being investigated for Borderline Personality Disorder, and Bipolar Disorder. So, my mood is sort of like a rollercoaster, which would show through pretty easily. I rarely lash out against anyone, though !! I also have sort of obsessive & self destructive tendencies.
I suppose that'd be it. feel free to hit me up, for friendship or anything else! ^^