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alexm626 @alexm626
alexm626 @alexm626
Listening to Music , Sketching and working on my novel, best combo ever!

Lunawhitemoon @animelover2015
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Lunawhitemoon @animelover2015
^^thank you gor the freind request.

alexm626 @alexm626
alexm626 @alexm626
at last reunited with my manga collection after four years in a box! thank goodness for moving day
What Are You Listening To Right Now?

alexm626 @alexm626
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What Are You Listening To Right Now?
alexm626 @alexm626
Smoke Signals By Phoebe Bridgers
What is the weirdest anime that you ended up liking?

alexm626 @alexm626
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What is the weirdest anime that you ended up liking?
alexm626 @alexm626
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, them wack y characters and dark humor lol