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Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
just attended my first Con this previous Sunday..... it was nearly overwhelming but absolutely Awesome!!! :)

scittykatt @scittykatt
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scittykatt @scittykatt
More Michigan people! Hooray!
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FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
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FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
and take everything with a grain of salt :)
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FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
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FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
good luck with the whole situation.... the truth will come out, its very hard to hide your tru self even online... i hav this same relationship with someone i was in a clan with (he was the head of this clan).... in the end i was the down fall of said clan and because we are still in the same circles we talk to each other from time to time and i have turned pissing him off into a form of art..... but after a few months after this happened we can now be civil towards eachother..... his new clan on the otherhand...... i'm apparently the devil to them :)
all in all be truthful and let things go the way they shall :)