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pandapawah @pandapawah
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Rob D
pandapawah @pandapawah
Oh hello :3 How are you?

Rob D @kyokusanagi
Rob D @kyokusanagi
Guess I wasted a lot of time, but now that it's about to be 2013, I suppose I should start looking into dating again. So if anyone's interested, I'm up for a conversation.

ronined @ronined
left a comment for
Rob D
ronined @ronined
I know that feeling of being busy. Hopefully by the end of this week I can finally go to vacation mode.
Glad you are back. ^_^
Those Actively Looking

Rob D @kyokusanagi
commented on
Those Actively Looking
Rob D @kyokusanagi
Most people I know who use 'Onii-chan/san/sama', 'Onee-chan/san/sama', 'Kaa-san, Tou-san, Jiji, etc' only use it because of their interest in either Japanese culture/language, or anime itself. So it's just something fun for them to do. I don't mind it either. I've had girls whom were friends call me Onii-san and Nii-chan.
BTW, I've finally gotten over my slight shyness when it comes to talking to people in general, and more specifically women! :D All thanks to customer service and being a sales associate at L.A. Fitness. Sometimes practicing and putting forth an effort into talking to others or getting over your fears works wonders.
Those Actively Looking

Rob D @kyokusanagi
commented on
Those Actively Looking
Rob D @kyokusanagi
I'd like to believe that everyone in this forum is honest enough. Like you coming out and voicing that fact. I'm honest.
By the way, has anyone found anyone they are interested in through this forum yet? I know it was just started, but I want to know if someone would be willing to take the first step if they did already.
Staff. Apr 27-29
May 17-19
Jul 5-7
May 16-18