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Daggera @daggera
left a comment for
Vlad (ブラド)
Daggera @daggera

Lamby @momoichi
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Vlad (ブラド)
Lamby @momoichi

Vlad (ブラド) @vladthe5th
Vlad (ブラド) @vladthe5th
Birthdays really do come true. <3

Vlad (ブラド) @vladthe5th
commented on
Vlad (ブラド) @vladthe5th
I confess. I'm at the brink of giving up on relationships entirely. I just talked with a friend I've known for 5 years that I've grown fond of, and the response is essentially the sibling treatment. And at my age, that's getting harder these days for me to even find someone else to connect with, and hope for any kind of future to settle down with.
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?

Vlad (ブラド) @vladthe5th
commented on
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?
Vlad (ブラド) @vladthe5th
New phone, who dis?