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Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
yoooooo phoenix if you ever come back hit me up :3!!

Datura @datura
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Datura @datura

blueeyes3000 @blueeyes3000
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blueeyes3000 @blueeyes3000
did i ask you to be my friend if i did and you don't want to be my friend i'll stop asking
boss rage

Phoenix @animecountryboy
boss rage
Phoenix @animecountryboy
So I love dragon's dogma, but once in a while it makes me want to rage. Most of the time it's just difficult, but at times... rawr! Playing hatd mode and damion is being a pain. One thing I hate in games 1 hit kills, fine with super strong attacks, but unquestioned you're dead are annoying even when there are ways to dodge it.... when there is warning, but damion doesn't give a shit about warning you. Love the game, and at least if feels rewarding when you win a tough battle, so I'll be happy when I win...
Anyone else wish to share boss rage moments?
Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

Phoenix @animecountryboy
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Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain
Phoenix @animecountryboy
I'm kinda indifferent on kiefer Sutherland so far, maybe phantom pain will sway my opinion. I really enjoyed Ground Zeroes.