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Thanks for adding, nice to finally meet somebody my age. Most people on here make me either feel too old or too young. >_>

anima_deus @anima_deus
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anima_deus @anima_deus
Ayye, add me back fam.

Darkness-Flame @barbossa66
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Darkness-Flame @barbossa66
You're welcome!
Most Recent Anime You've Watched From Start to Finish?

honeyblue121 @honeyblue121
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Most Recent Anime You've Watched From Start to Finish?
honeyblue121 @honeyblue121
Yuri on Ice and Your Lie in April. Yuri on Ice was everything to me but your lie in April was too predictable but was really good if you like anime about musicians.
Ello ello

honeyblue121 @honeyblue121
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Ello ello
honeyblue121 @honeyblue121
Hello friend