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patricklagann @patricklagann
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patricklagann @patricklagann
Hello How's it going?

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
wwaaahhh adorable piiiiic XD

Mishii @mishi00
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Mishii @mishi00
Hey there.
Teenage Oklahomans..?

ember123100 @ember123100
Teenage Oklahomans..?
ember123100 @ember123100
Pssshh...yeah there isn't much here in OK but i would really like to know a guy who is interested in anime (and girls >_<) who is around my age (15-17). sooo yeah! Anyone out there..? x3
man do i feel weird and out of place typing this..
Top 5 Anime!

ember123100 @ember123100
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Top 5 Anime!
ember123100 @ember123100
Top five?
Well here it goes~:
1: Hetalia
2: Ouran High School Host Club
3: Soul Eater
4: Baka and Test
5: (its a tie betweeen) D.GrayMan and Angel Beats
I know some pretty girly stuff thrown in there but thats my list x3