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55 year old Male
Last online 約11年 ago
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Feb 14, 17 at 10:16am
Am lizzbeth.. am looking for a companion.. someone with a big personality but able to give me plenty of attention too.. pls message me if you have got a good appetite, interesting conversation and the ability to laugh at yourself.. my email lizzbeth717@gmail.com
Will be fun meeting people who have the same interests of anime.
Ok, I have had Indian Curry, and it wasnt bad, but not a big fan of over spicy hot stuff. And see that Japanese Curry is more sweet. I keep hearing Curry mentioned in my animes, and I have an idea what it is. But looking at maybe trying to find a restaurant nearby here in Pittsburgh, that serves it. So I can taste how it should, and maybe start trying to eat it myself, since rice is already something I eat a lot of, when cooking. I am pretty sure, I am looking for the wrong thing when looking at restaurant menus online. I see maybe I should be looking for Katzu, instead of Curry. But figured would ask here, since folks here would no better. :) So when looking at menus, what names should I be looking for, that are actually what I am looking for. Thanks in advance
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Aug 31-Sep 3