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displaynamehere @purefault
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displaynamehere @purefault
Just school. Playing video games, working on music at times. Nothing new, really. How about you?

yussif @yussif
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yussif @yussif
Wow, even in Prison school!
I write stories and it's my dream for them to become animated in the style of Studio Ghibli films. Did you see the Wind Rises? What did you think?
Yeah I'm really looking forward to Persona 5 too, I agree the trailer and background music were great.
Are you watching any anime at the moment? Would you like to watch something together sometime, maybe through Skype?

displaynamehere @purefault
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displaynamehere @purefault
Hey there. Thanks for adding me =]
How are you?
Missing Anime Picture

anya_allen @anya_allen
commented on
Missing Anime Picture
anya_allen @anya_allen
Andesu has Fixed it! , thank you very much! Dimensions are:-
358 x 478
Thank you Again!
Missing Anime Picture

anya_allen @anya_allen
commented on
Missing Anime Picture
anya_allen @anya_allen
i tried Hahe-san... sob.. thank you though..
Andesu, really? What are your dimensions for the picture??