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tenshi01 @tenshi01
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tenshi01 @tenshi01
Everyone keeps calling you a catfish...but I think theyre all friggin idiots. They just can't believe their eyes when they see such a beautiful kanojo. They're just insecure men who don't have a friggin clue. Stay strong queen, 'ttebayo

nekodaddy @nekodaddy That's cap and you know it

calchan92 @calchan92
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calchan92 @calchan92
I was going to say the same thing, such a catfish. I added her thru discord, and she insta blocked me and changed her discord.

nekodaddy @nekodaddy Right??? This is very strange thing to do.

calchan92 @calchan92 Very strange!! like who does that?

nekodaddy @nekodaddy Most likely trolls. Pay no mind to them.

calchan92 @calchan92 Ill try and not to lol

nekodaddy @nekodaddy
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nekodaddy @nekodaddy
You are such a catfish. Pictures don't even match your discord pfp