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blake_lee @blake_lee
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blake_lee @blake_lee
Hello! :3

Anna senpai~ @winterangel
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Anna senpai~ @winterangel
Hi thanks for the friend request ^^

Panda @mrpanduhhh
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Panda @mrpanduhhh
Yeah I need to show him how I rock the chub n tuck. Aww thank you!!! I love horror movies!!! I get scared easily but I like it because I'm a masochist xO. I just adore Simon Pegg and Nick Frost!!! You're awesome too. Zelda, Rick and Morty, Bare Bears, Steven Universe, Animal Crossing!!!! Gahhhh I'm nerding out xP. Also thumbs up on the daikimakura I don't have the guts to buy one xD
Skype Group ^_^

homudork @homudork
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Skype Group ^_^
homudork @homudork
Animal crossing new leaf players!

homudork @homudork
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Animal crossing new leaf players!
homudork @homudork
yeeeesss. let's play~ o: