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39 year old Male
Last online 8年以上 ago
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Dec 27, 15 at 10:49pm
Fuck you.
I am the most beautiful swan!
Dec 18, 15 at 5:10pm
I came out of a month long (probably much longer) retirement to add my thoughts to this topic. So many people spend all of their time searching for the perfect girl (or guy) and desire that perfect relationship. Yet, when we enter into a relationship it will never be perfect, because we ourselves are not perfect. We all need to work on ourselves, and recognize that even on our best days, we still fall very short of perfection. I've since learned from my mistakes, and understand that I need to improve myself, and continue improving myself. Right now I am working usually 45 plus hours a week at my day job, at the gym everyday, doing a ton of stuff with my church, and starting up my personal training empire. If you want anything in life, you have to work your ass off for it. This applies to finding a date or spouse, or whatever it is that you desire. If you fail, get back up, work harder, and get right back at it. There is no such thing as a free lunch. And for the record - don't be Jarod, be yourself! Love yourself! And work for what you want! Oh - and if anyone needs some motivation to exercise and stay healthy, follow me on Instagram at jdbroadbelt5 And yes that was a shameless plug to broadcast myself. Come at me bros!