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anisoulmate @anisoulmate
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anisoulmate @anisoulmate
thank you so much for accepting hope we get the chance to chat sometime.

ShySweetehPieXO @shysweetehpiexo
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ShySweetehPieXO @shysweetehpiexo
Oh okay. Heh, that sucks! :P Anyway, yeah I'm okay I guess. :) Although I do have depression and several other problems but I have to keep positive!!! :D ^-^

ShySweetehPieXO @shysweetehpiexo
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ShySweetehPieXO @shysweetehpiexo
The weather has been cloudy and rainy lately :S
who likes hentai :P
zichiro @zichiro
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who likes hentai :P
zichiro @zichiro
I'm a fakku fan myself