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Day @fallblue
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Day @fallblue

zalreskikun @zalreskikun
zalreskikun @zalreskikun
Hey, anybody wanna talk.. I really need chat buddies.

zalreskikun @zalreskikun
zalreskikun @zalreskikun
Anybody wanna be my chat buddy
Dating and confidence?

zalreskikun @zalreskikun
commented on
Dating and confidence?
zalreskikun @zalreskikun
Dateing someone who is a child and expect you to do all the work and expect everything is going to be ok for all time is waste of time period. yes some people are broken but if they are willing to work to make it better its something. but i hate when someone expects the other to hold the relationship together its childish. relationship is work love compassion sadness dispar anger. only people who deserve each other are the ones who fight for each other. confidence is this you don't woe is me and think your worthless or get a big head you humble yourself not say or base thing on standards love and care for someone just because of them. None of us want a child as a significant other we want faithfulness caring kind strong and humbled there is man more but these i think are key. yes up and down may come but work threw them you can only have love if you cultivate it. yes we all have our weakness and downfalls but we have to be strong and get up if not you will have none an none will have you. yes you and your partner should better each other be your other halve but not be all of you if you get what I'm typing. no 75 25 or 5 95 its 50 50
Digital sculpting for video games.

zalreskikun @zalreskikun
Digital sculpting for video games.
zalreskikun @zalreskikun
id like to just show what basic and secondary forms are for game.