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35 year old Female
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Dec 13, 23 at 3:29pm
Faerie bread is an old Irish staple, though the Aussie's adopted it, too. Basically a plain slice of bread and something sweet on it. What you put on it varies from family to family.
Dec 13, 23 at 1:37am
1. It really depends on the situation. Ghost Stories and Yu Yu Hakusho dub all the way. However given the issue of localization companies in modern era, I give new stuff sub over dub. 2. No, it is a type of buterbrod. A sandwich requires two slices of bread. A hotdog bun is a singular piece of bread. Unless you get the cheap ones that shred down the middle every time. 3. I have no clue what that is. If it is bread baked by faeries, I am not going to eat it lest I end up with some sort of curse or disease. 4. Poutine, the makers of the dish are less than 100 miles away from me and I do not wish to incur their wrath by choosing vegimite. 5. Sharks. I know their behavior. Dolphins are a mystery and are not to be trusted.
Dec 12, 23 at 10:14pm
Oh yes on the strawberry cake! As for the festival, it depends what you like, but it's over all a lot of fun and the atmosphere has a natsukashii about it.
Dec 12, 23 at 8:40pm
Allow us to return to the thing at hand. 1. Have I heard of Lunar New Year. Well yeah, I've heard of it. I'd imagine most people have. 2. Have I seen a Lunar new year festival? No, I don't respect the culture enough for that. Sorry, not sorry. 3. Have I heard of moon cakes? Yeah, but never had one. Won't lie, I'd be kinda afraid to try one. It's probably rigged with "festival spirit" or "blessed by the ancestors" some kinda cheeky shit. Yuck! 4. What filling would I want for said butt cakes? None! Not to say that I don't like ass, mind you. 5. Have I had Mochi? Yeah. It's good and all, but I think it's way overhyped. Now, if you give me a blueberry pie or strawberry cake, and I'll tear through that shit like a colorblind bull.
Dec 12, 23 at 10:12pm
Wrong thread? Who are you talking to? lolool
Dec 09, 23 at 9:39pm
My adopted brothers would adore you. They're more fans of the 40s and 50s cars. They even have this cute little car club they meet up in a parking lot on Thursday nights and drag race in the countryside.
RT @rtae86 commented on 20 Questions
Dec 08, 23 at 2:11pm
1. 1 million dollars cash or a house and car equal to that value? - Cash. I don't need a house or car that price. With that amount in cash I would buy/build a much cheaper house at my personal taste. As for cars, I CANNOT have just one. I would probably have a colection of around 15 cars but no lambos or ferraris. Mostly 80's or 90's hot hatches. 2. Customer service or hard labor? - I do both or a regular basis and I do like do interact with *some* costumers. But in the end I prefer hard labor. 3. Who would you rather have a conversation with; Thanos or The Joker? - Thanos, tho as a character I prefer the Joker. 4. Marvel or DC? - DC. 5. A stranded island on a sub tropical African Island or a some random island around Ireland? - Ireland because of the weather.
Dec 09, 23 at 9:35pm
Yas. A secluded mountain home in the boonies of ol' Ireland?
1. 1 million dollars cash or a house and car equal to that value? 1 million dollars and buy or build a more secluded mountain home. 2. Customer service or hard labor? Labor, I've worked customer service and had some extremely violent thoughts about several customers. 3. Who would you rather have a conversation with; Thanos or The Joker? Thanos so we can try to halve everything again. 4. Marvel or DC? I chose option C Lord of the Rings. 5. A stranded island on a sub tropical African Island or a some random island around Ireland? Ireland all the way.
Criselington @criselington Quite a charming idea.
yuuzora @yuuzora Hnhn. Especially the Druid huts in the faerie forests where I was born. No one would bother you out of fear being cursed or eaten by the fae just for lols.
Criselington @criselington Indeed, lest I threaten to reveal their real names to the fae, pesky little trickster. Mayhap become friends with them and become a mythological druid and learn the powers of nature and shape-shifting or just a hermit who dreams of being knowledgeable and spiritual enough to be an actual druid
yuuzora @yuuzora Druids run in my family on my dad's side more specifically, the sídhe. So in a way we're part of the fae. Though the Pooka still kinda scary. lol
Criselington @criselington Well I guess your dad's side of the family are all tall and beautiful if I'm remembering the sídhe correctly. To be fair all fae are kind of scary in the right circumstances.
yuuzora @yuuzora Ye. Some of 'em me granddad said were dragons. Sad though because I got a lot of Japanese genes from my nan. So I'm short as fk for everyone else in my family (all the women are 178cm+ while i'm like 158cm) You're one of the tree people, aren't you? XD
Criselington @criselington Nah I'm just smol humble 189 or something in cm. I as some might say doth not meet such requirements to be a tree person. Unless you are speaking about a forest dweller who practice balance in life and nature then there is a high possibility in that being a correct statement.
yuuzora @yuuzora 189cm is a tree to me! I can barely see the sky! And every person should be in tune with the natural world. It is the thing that inevitably tells us how we live and die. "The arrogance of man is in thinking nature is within our control" >)
Criselington @criselington It's alright, I was trying not to be all... high and mighty... about it. Smol kings and queens should be proud of their height, too. Indeed it is. Also nature can and will bitch slap us into disaster if she so chooses.
yuuzora @yuuzora You are high af and mighty. XD Smol king especially. Since they get taken through the wringer with the assholes who think they're not good enough if they're not 180cm+ It never made any fkn sense to me especially when the people who demand that are damn nearin' leprechaun height. Yeah, I've been curious to see how the earth would destabilize if the moon were instead moving closer rather than further away. But I'll take a Permian extinction, if that's all we get....
Criselington @criselington Yeah it doesn't make sense to judge someone on a quality they have no control over. I definitely think tides would get crazier, maybe even our own bodies affected. Night would for sure be brighter.
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeah, especially height as if it's better to taller or shorter. It's completely irrelevant, honestly. Though hugging tall people does hurt your nose! I Imagine the tectonic plates would suffer because the tides would be out of sync. Basically sounds fun.
Criselington @criselington Yeah, each one has their own perks and benefits like being short nobody ask for help getting things or think you're a jungle gym.
yuuzora @yuuzora And we don't have to duck as often. Though my sister does ask me for help getting things down from a high place even though she's taller. It's because I have better problem solving and good flexibility. Tall people also act as good shade. XD
Criselington @criselington Yeah, things like that make me wish I was a short king but not being fun sized has some advantages too like short people arm rests and punishing the short by putting things high up when they justly deserve it.
yuuzora @yuuzora XD Yeah, my bois in my workshop used me head as a arm rest. I punch them, but still happened. Though sticking things up high is usually not a problem, since climbing is usually an option XD
Criselington @criselington Tiny fist of rage
Dec 08, 23 at 1:37pm
Adopt Lunar New Year. Lunar New Year is lit.
yaasshat @yaasshat commented on Vent
Dec 08, 23 at 12:43pm
When you're broke as shit, Christmas music grates extra hard. So much advertising telling you "BUY, BUY BUY!!!". Fucking Christmas... Would that I could.
Dec 07, 23 at 5:45pm
Ooo! I have a meme about something like this, too! I stole it from someone here:
Dec 07, 23 at 3:27pm
Dec 07, 23 at 5:43pm
Those are very cute!
Dec 07, 23 at 3:41pm
finally in my heeled oxfords era https://i.pinimg.com/564x/07/0a/a0/070aa06f3930569ba32c06c628cc951c.jpg
Dec 07, 23 at 5:43pm
Less chance to freeze to death in the tropics for sure but insects carrying disease is a problem. Your chances of eating something poisonous would be about the same, so there's that.
Dec 07, 23 at 3:16am
1. One million dollars cash or a house and car equal to that value? --- One million dollars in cash. Over here I can buy a car and house for just a small fraction of that money 2. Customer service or hard labor? --- Customer service. This skinny body wasn't built for hard labour 3. Who would you rather have a conversation with; Thanos or The Joker? --- Thanos. We'll talk philosophy 4. Marvel or DC? --- DC all the wayyyy 5. A stranded island on a sub tropical African Island or a some random island around Ireland? --- some tropical African Island. When I imagine an island around island I see nothing but grass. But when I imagine a tropica African Island, I see lots of fruits. I'd rather be stranded there for sure
Dec 07, 23 at 5:40pm
There are some places in Ireland where the accent is so think that even other Irish can barely understand them. But I'm assuming this island is uninhabited.
Dec 07, 23 at 12:40am
1: A million dollars. I could find a relatively cheap house and car. Then furnish said house since furniture is not included. 2: Hard labor, worked in both and I can say I hate people. 3: Thanos. Joker is a pain in the ass. 4: DC, they made my favorite super entity, Lobo. 5: Ireland, I hate tropical everything. Africa is too hot, too many diseases, and a possible language barrier.
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