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Yukiteru Hanabusa @yukiteru_unitara
Yukiteru Hanabusa @yukiteru_unitara
So many fake people when you give them your genuine side, can’t help but be angry

Yukiteru Hanabusa @yukiteru_unitara
Yukiteru Hanabusa @yukiteru_unitara
Honestly didnt realize how lonely I was, huh. Well can’t do much now. Have a good night folks, im going to read

Yukiteru Hanabusa @yukiteru_unitara
Yukiteru Hanabusa @yukiteru_unitara
Ah, feels good to be back.
Now I'mma disappear again. Peace :D
BEWARE OF LORD LUCIFER (Username: Lancelotx

Yukiteru Hanabusa @yukiteru_unitara
commented on
BEWARE OF LORD LUCIFER (Username: Lancelotx
Yukiteru Hanabusa @yukiteru_unitara
Jesus, I take a break from this site to watch Supernatural and i come back to this-- Thanks for the support tho. and. yadda yadda.
BEWARE OF LORD LUCIFER (Username: Lancelotx

Yukiteru Hanabusa @yukiteru_unitara
commented on
BEWARE OF LORD LUCIFER (Username: Lancelotx
Yukiteru Hanabusa @yukiteru_unitara
Thank you mods for coming, I apologize for causing such a ruckus