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八幡神 @naofumi94
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八幡神 @naofumi94
Hello adventurer and welcome to maiotaku

Praxis @stazmae
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Praxis @stazmae
Thanks for adding me~
And @ your comment about those people.
They can go sit in syrup and get stung by bees.
How dare they.
Other than that, I hope you find what you're searching for.

Your_Local_Lesbo @yourlocallesbo
Your_Local_Lesbo @yourlocallesbo
The sky is up, but heaven is up. Is the sky heaven? But if that’s the case what is heavens sky? And if hell is the underworld what is under hell? What is the floor in hell? What is there sky? If hell is hot is heaven cold? But heaven has the sun, are they the same in temperature? No they can’t be heaven and hell are meant to be complete opposites