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lain_^p @arukawi_nial
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lain_^p @arukawi_nial
ah you didn't abandon this place! yeah it was a very good show. extraordinarily sad, but great show.

lain_^p @arukawi_nial
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lain_^p @arukawi_nial
looks like you abandoned this website but nice work watching Tokyo Magnitude, great show.

Kuudere Fool @blackcoyote28
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Kuudere Fool @blackcoyote28
helloooo single, sorry i'm actually a gentlemen but i love to have my fun when i can and make new friends :P, how are you? i like your drawings, anyway take a look at my info, add me and pm me, nice meeting you and til our next encounter, p.s. anime does come true =^3^=
Jun 12-14
Jul 30-Aug 1
Apr 22-24
Jun 10-12