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InNeedOfAssistance @inneedofassistance
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InNeedOfAssistance @inneedofassistance
I'm adding content to an anime website and looking for ideas from the public. help gathering this info and spreading the word about this would be helpful.
I'd like to gather ideas, talk them over with my programmer, set up a poll to get votes, and then add whats popular
If you know of a good website to accomplish this contact me. if you're an otaku contact me.
English only please, I do not understand Japanese and do not have a good website to translate

♡Charlie♡ @otakulove17
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♡Charlie♡ @otakulove17
Hey. Sorry for not replying, I am not on much but sure! I would love to make more buddies!!! <3

coldsenpai @coldsenpai
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coldsenpai @coldsenpai
Ah, yeah. Sure. Your name?

Kawaii_Vagabond @yoko_airman
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Kawaii_Vagabond @yoko_airman
I like league of legends & anime. That's pretty much all I do aside from work, but I'm hoping to become more active go to cons and have some fun times. I'll be living in southern CA soon so if you're around the area and interested in meeting up and seeing what kind of trouble we can get into add meh.