Hyera 혜라 @hyera
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Yellow Otaku
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
:D thank you ! *quickly eats candy

NerdySakura @nerdysakura
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Yellow Otaku
NerdySakura @nerdysakura
If you are curious here's an example of some of the stuff that is considered young adult fiction. I may not like every single book but it's a genre I usually find myself in: http://bookoutlet.com/Store/Browse/arrivals-new-young-adult-fiction/_/N-20Z3597/Ne-349

Hyera 혜라 @hyera
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Yellow Otaku
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
yes I did.

NerdySakura @nerdysakura
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Yellow Otaku
NerdySakura @nerdysakura
all kinds. Mostly young adult books

NerdySakura @nerdysakura
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Yellow Otaku
NerdySakura @nerdysakura
Don't have any manga on me at the moment xD Mostly all my other books I have laying around that need to be read

Niknik @niknik
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Yellow Otaku
Niknik @niknik
Ill be going out with friends this afternoon xD wby?

Niknik @niknik
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Yellow Otaku
Niknik @niknik
About to eat breakfast xD Im starving

Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
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Yellow Otaku
Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
Hi, how are you? ^u^

HellscytheEucil @hellscytheeucil
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Yellow Otaku
HellscytheEucil @hellscytheeucil

sam_140 @sam_140
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Yellow Otaku
sam_140 @sam_140
I went on a boat ride at sunset and it was just beautiful