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glez27 @glez27
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stoped useing site
glez27 @glez27
Yeah soldering is cool bit sometimes it gets boring XD

dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
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stoped useing site
dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
if i was in the same state and had a decent computer (I'm coming from a 2000 dell :( ) then i would I'm a fairly accomplished gamer i have been playing sense n.e.s came out at the least. so i have a mile long resume but as of late i have just been playing on my ds. =/

Russeru @russeru
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stoped useing site
Russeru @russeru
sound like you have a full plate hahaha :P
ga otaku

stoped useing site @xxhollowichigoxx
ga otaku
stoped useing site @xxhollowichigoxx
any body live near or around ga that wants to hang out
otaku in ga ?

stoped useing site @xxhollowichigoxx
otaku in ga ?
stoped useing site @xxhollowichigoxx
is there any otaku in ga that want to hang out some time ?