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Praxis @stazmae
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Praxis @stazmae
Hi! I noticed you attended a con, the same time I did!
London anime con, 2014.

Danny @xshiroy Oh heeey. Sorry for slow reply D: I did, it was a lot fun. Maybe we walked passed each other o.o
Stazisoneofthebestthereis :D

JustRiri @arianneaman25
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JustRiri @arianneaman25
Thank you for accepting, How you been? and hope to chat with you soon :D

Danny @xshiroy That's okay! I've bust very busy, but I'm doing great thank you! What about yourself? How's life? :p

Shytaku @shy_otaku
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Shytaku @shy_otaku
No prob, I'll teach you! Since you're using imgur, right-click on the image and click "open the image in new tab" or "view image" (basically you want to isolate the image in its own tab so the url ends with .jpg .png. or whatever image format you use.)
Copy/paste that direct image url into the forums and it should work! Feel free to edit your comment to test it out :>

Danny @xshiroy Ahaha xD cheers ! Yep it's worked! Thank you very much! :D
Magic The Gathering?

Danny @xshiroy
commented on
Magic The Gathering?
Danny @xshiroy
I love MTG Arena, though to be fair I haven't played too much recently. I've played in person a few times but not all that much, sounds like a good thing because I'd probably fall down the rabbit hole and spends hundreds of pounds of packs XD
On Arena I was one of those annoying players doe, you know the whole Goblin/ raid bombardment/ cavalcade of calamity. Rouge mill, scute swarm or like a Shrine deck haha xD. Did love a Yorion deck too.
Name the most frustrating game you ever played

Danny @xshiroy
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Name the most frustrating game you ever played
Danny @xshiroy
Defo have to agree with Deathgodzero. Chain memories was pretty not good. Luckly I think it was just them experimenting for KH haha.
Jul 2-4
Artist. Apr 2-4
Artist. Feb 8-9
Artist. Apr 18-21