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xromeox @xromeox
xromeox @xromeox
Man does anyone here talk anymore -.- seems so quiet

krystls @krystls
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krystls @krystls
Hey, I am new here and I noticed we got some things in common. Would you like to chat sometime?

Kagome22/Airurando no kifu @kagome22
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Kagome22/Airurando no kifu @kagome22
Hiya. Wanna chat a bit sometimes?
Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?

xromeox @xromeox
commented on
Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?
xromeox @xromeox
@solid_snake thanks for your personal experience. I mean as much as guys can be jerkoffs girls can be beaches you know but appreciate you sharing your story!!!
Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?

xromeox @xromeox
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Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?
xromeox @xromeox
The sad part is it isnt just the internet. Its happen to me with someone I had a crush on but I just didn't want to believe or admit that was happening
May 31-Jun 2
May 31-Jun 2
Jun 6-8
Jun 3-5