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Haley @kitsunequeen
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Haley @kitsunequeen
Nice to meet a fellow Christian who likes anime. Ouran and Black Butler are my favorites too, hope we can be friends.

redeagle321 @redeagle321
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redeagle321 @redeagle321
Whatcha been up to in the eons since i've been away o.o?

redeagle321 @redeagle321
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redeagle321 @redeagle321
What's up? it feels like it's been foreeeeeeeever!
you know your otaku when

wishiwashi7 @wishiwashi7
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you know your otaku when
wishiwashi7 @wishiwashi7
Not sure if this one was posted cause I'm too lazy too go through all the pages lmao but... you know your otaku when every time you hear the word Zero, Zero Kiryuu crosses your mind...( least for me XD ) and when you go to sleep at night your dreams are only anime related especially when you are sleeping with a plushie! ^_^

wishiwashi7 @wishiwashi7
wishiwashi7 @wishiwashi7
Any girls out there that have just started playing Left4Dead 2? I just started playing it again and only have one friend on the game but he's barely on. I'm not perfect at the game yet but I'm getting better. I'm just tired of playing single player and would love to play with people who don't automatically kick me out or don't talk crap cause I'm new at it.