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27 year old Female
Last online 2年以上 ago
Nothing just shows your dedication and hardwork you put in with a certain champion you play them over and over and get to lvl 5 they just added lvl 6 and 7 where if you get 2 S-'s you can get to lvl 6 then 3 S's or S+ for lvl 7 No she doesnt teleport she just dashes like a short dash forward and poke in a direction. im not the best with her yet like i played bots (i got completely owned though XD but most of that was turret damage cause bots always run away and i can never get the kill so i try to turret dive it and run into a garen ult) So you havent played in a while? well when im done working tomorrow if your up we can play. I mostly play aram and rotating game modes cause summoners rift is a load of bs with minion farms and junk cuz as a top laner i fail at farming so my opponent is here kicking my ass with 107 cs and i got my 43
Yeah man like i was on earlier today but i just couldnt XD i was tired i finally got my 2 s's for champ mastery lvl 6 on garen but idk if i wanna use that mastery token since it was against a singed top who basically fed me because he kept running past my turret to kill minions and i had to chase him around cause he wouldnt fight me head on. I bought fiora and need a sparring partner idk if you can help me out with that XD i will let you know when im up for a game
Yo wert sorry about out play date today something came up and i was busy TwT what about next weekend? Or this week?
Its called leaverbuster you leave too many games...afk warnings, leave champ select, get kicked for not accepting match stuff like that you have to go through 5 matchmade games with wait times inbetween all of them. So it can go from 5 mins to im guessing 20 mins
Yeah so what else can you do? You can risk leaving and getting low queue priority XD which i've gotten twice now it went from 5 mins to 10 mins each match holy hell dude the next time it would be 15
Dude what i hate the most is when everyone elses screen loads before mine and they call a spot before i even join the room TwT
Haha between jg and adc those are like easily the two that are called out the fastest mid is meh and top is up there too for being called pretty fast but no one goes omg sup. You cant do anything if your spot gets called the only hope you have of getting your spot is in drafted pick
Look at what I sent you 4 messages ago. The name is there. I'm not trying to sway you, but my persuasion can be a lot stronger than you think. Don't underestimate me.
Max @reclaw left a comment for MewMew(─‿‿─)
Jun 24, 16 at 4:37pm
I'm loving the fact that you and Azu are getting along. Let's make this a trio.
azumakazuma @azumakazuma Wert was my 3rd friend on this site and probably the first person I had a conversation with. Of course we're getting along!
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman I'm not your first?! So you took my friendninity for nothing T_T
azumakazuma @azumakazuma That's right. You were spending a lot of time sniping the intro threads with your nosebleeds back then, but you didn't expect the ever-lurking Hazele to beat you to the punch! There was also the wildcard newcomer etc00 that you didn't see coming.
azumakazuma @azumakazuma All of that aside, I still consider you to be a dear friend and a caring person. If you ever need help or someone to talk to, let me know. I am always serious when it comes to helping others and will do whatever I can.
Maybe I entered it wrong. Doesn't matter. If you send me a request before I get the chance to, I will accept it. Won't be home for another 3 hours though.